Analytical Services Surge

Here at Keika Ventures, we are proud of our international reach. We serve clients across the globe and, together with Eduwhere, on all seven continents. Keika’s analytical division, which provides amazing assistance with project planning, design, and execution, is working non-stop to help our clients with their complex analytical projects. In the third quarter of 2020 alone, our analytical team produced record activity and revenues in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Iceland, Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua, Singapore, Kenya, Israel, Mexico, Thailand, Trinidad, Uruguay, and the United States. These are only a subset of the countries where we do business and have active projects, and we want to congratulate and thank our employees for their hard work and dedication.

Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Iceland, Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua, Singapore, Kenya, Israel, Mexico, Thailand, Trinidad, Uruguay, and the United States.

3rd Quarter, 2020
Over 100 country flags spread over the world map.
Clients in over 100 countries spread across all 7 continents.

Analytical Services

New Countries = New Map!

Over 100 countries spread across all 7 continents! Keika Ventures & Eduwhere have clients spread across the globe and we love sharing their country flags. We’ve been at this for over 19 years and the collection continues to grow. It’s been a while since we last updated our map (Russia!), so we’d like to welcome Oman, Belarus, Mozambique, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Malta.

We stopped counting at 100 countries. Honestly, I lose track when trying to count the flags… always feeling I’ve skipped one or double counted. I think we’re closing in on 120, but feel free to give it a try and let us know how many you count 🙂

Over 100 country flags spread over the world map.
Clients in over 100 countries spread across all 7 continents.

Environmental Equipment:

Analytical Services:

Online Compliance Training:

30 Days in the Life of an Ocean Vessel

Over here at Eduwhere, this video has captivated us with both its beautiful visuals and its excellent demonstration of sea shipping. From describing traffic separation schemes to showing just how long it takes to unload cargo, this video shows a side of the global exchange of goods that many of us take for granted — and we’re also partial to the gorgeous skies!

Check it out and see what you think!

Old Client Map!

We’ve always enjoyed seeing how the reach of Eduwhere & Keika Ventures. So much so that we started keeping track of our clients on a map, with hopes of eventually collecting clients in every country. Yes, it’s a stretch, but it’s a goal. I recently ran across an old version of our map from 2009… over a decade ago!. Can you count the flags? (Hint: It’s a lot).

Old 2009 Client Map. Over a decade old, but still lots of flags.