We love hearing stories from our clients, and we’re excited to be able to share a recent one with you! Researchers at the University of South Carolina are sampling fluids from Atlantic ocean hydrothermal vents, and they’ve used Keika Ventures’ Kynar® bags to do it. The researchers designed and assembled a water sampler, and sent Keika the required dimensions for their prototype bag. We worked with our vendor to create the bag according to specifications, and the experiment was a success.
The water sampler was attached to a Remotely Operated Vehicle, or ROV, and sent to the ocean floor to collect samples from several hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. They collected sixty-seven samples of pristine hydrothermal fluids into our 2-L Kynar bags and six into 11-L bags.
The UofSC team followed this up with another excursion to hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Cayman Rise spreading center, including the deepest known “black smoker” vents at 5,000 m. The team returned with seventy-nine 2-L Kynar bags and twenty-one 9L Kynar bags of hydrothermal fluids.

From R/V Atlantis voyage AT42-01: Filename: sulis_20180916182458.jpg
Required Credit: Courtesy of Susan Lang, U. of South Carolina/NSF/ROV Jason/2018 ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

From R/V Atlantis voyage AT42-22: Filename: untitled.png
Required Credit: Courtesy of Jeff Seewald, WHOI/NSF, NASA/ROV Jason/2020 ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

© Mitch Elend, U. Washington / Lost City 2018 Return / NSF / ROV Jason

The USC team is planning another excursion for more samples, and we are excited to hear the results!
Keika Ventures is pleased to be able to offer Tedlar® and Kynar® bags in a range of sizes and specifications, including Poly 2-in-1, Jaco, and Roberts Valves. We offer some of our most popular standard sizing options, from 0.5L up to 25L, all the way up to 250L bags. If you have unique needs for your sampling methods, as the USC team did, we are happy to help coordinate with our suppliers and ensure that you get the custom bags that you need. Keika Ventures can provide bags made with alternative films for unusual projects, or specially located valve fittings and grommets.
PVDF (Tedlar® & Kynar®) Bag Sampling Solutions
KeikaVentures offers polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) bags in a wide variety of sizes and valve fittings. We can also custom make bags to fit any particular size or application needs and can customize the location of valve fittings and grommets.