Here at Keika Ventures, we are proud of our international reach. We serve clients across the globe and, together with Eduwhere, on all seven continents. Keika’s analytical division, which provides amazing assistance with project planning, design, and execution, is working non-stop to help our clients with their complex analytical projects. In the third quarter of 2020 alone, our analytical team produced record activity and revenues in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Iceland, Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua, Singapore, Kenya, Israel, Mexico, Thailand, Trinidad, Uruguay, and the United States. These are only a subset of the countries where we do business and have active projects, and we want to congratulate and thank our employees for their hard work and dedication.
Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Iceland, Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua, Singapore, Kenya, Israel, Mexico, Thailand, Trinidad, Uruguay, and the United States.
3rd Quarter, 2020

Analytical Services